Skinless Chicken Longanisa Recipe

 A must try recipe, healthy and tasty Skinless Chicken Longanisa


2 lbs ground chicken

2-3 tablespoon minced garlic

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

4-5 tablespoon brown sugar

1 teaspoon salt

3 tablespoon vinegar

3 tablespoon soy sauce

2 tablespoon corn starch

wax paper


cooking oil

How to Prepare: 

Using a deep bowl mix ground chicken, garlic, sugar, salt, vinegar, soy sauce and corn starch.

You can always add more garlic or any of the above ingredients. It all depends on your taste bud.

Mix thoroughly and refrigerate overnight for the meat to absorb the marinade.

Spoon a tablespoon or two and place in a piece of wax paper.

Spread evenly and roll. Do the same with the remaining ingredients.

Place the rolled longanisa in the freezer for an hour or so. That will make it easier for you to cut it into desired size.

You can also freeze the prepared longanisa if you are not planning to cook it all or save the half for later.

How to Cook: 

Using a wide pan place the longanisa (frozen or not) and top with a cup of water (if you are cooking a lb) and 2 tablespoon cooking oil. 

Cover the pan and simmer in medium low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Turn/roll the longanisa every few minutes to allow the longanisa to cook evenly. 

Lower the heat into low and simmer uncovered till water dries and longanisa turns brownish and is fully cooked. 

Remove from heat and serve with lots of steam or garlic rice. Enjoy! 

Serving good for 4-6 people or let us say depends on how much can you eat. I know I ate more than half a lb. 

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