Sinabawan na Salmon


  • 3 lbs whole salmon head, cut into 6 pcs
  • 2 large tomato, quartered 
  • 1 large onion, quartered 
  • 2 stem green onion, cut into 4
  • 1 tablespoon or more sinigang powder mix
  • Salt to taste
  • 3-4 cups water

Cooking Direction:
  1. Boil water in a deep pot.
  2. Once it start boiling add onion and tomato.
  3. Season with salt and sinigang mix and simmer in medium heat for few minutes.
  4. Add salmon head slices, cover pot and simmer for few more minutes.
  5. Top with slices of green onion, remove from heat and serve hot. Enjoy!

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