A simple recipe for those who loves bell peppers. Your choice to either bake it or fry. 
This one is fried just the way my hubby likes it. 


2 large red bell peppers, cut in half, remove seeds and wash

1 lb ground pork or chicken

4-5 cloves of garlic, minced ( i like it garlicky)

1 medium size onion, minced

1/2 cup grated cheese, optional

salt and ground black pepper to taste

2 eggs, beaten

1 tablespoon flour

cooking oil

Cooking Direction:

Saute onion and garlic till caramelized.

Add ground pork/chicken and cook till the meat turns golden brown.

Season with salt and ground pepper to taste.

Remove the sauteed meat from heat, set it aside and allow to cool. 

Using a deep bowl, beat egg and mix with flour.

Add sauteed meat and mix well. 

Add the grated cheese if desire and mix well. 

TIP.. you can also add any stuffing you want to the mixture like potato, carrots or more bell pepper.

Stuff the bell peppers with meat mixture and fry in enough cooking oil for about 5 minutes or so on each side in medium low heat. 

Place the fried bell peppers in paper towel to drain the excess cooking oil. 

Serve hot with steam rice and enjoy! 

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