You like upo? Here is a simple Ginisang Upo recipe using few ingredients. Give it a try.


2 lbs. upo (squash), peeled and cut into cubes

4-5 cloves garlic, minced

1 small onion, sliced

1 large tomato, diced

1 tablespoon bagoong and/or peeled shrimp

salt and ground black pepper to taste

2 tablespoon cooking oil

1 cup water

Cooking Direction:

Heat cooking oil in a wok.

Saute garlic, onion and tomato till caramelized.

Add bagoong and/or shrimp and stir.

Add upo and mix well. Season with salt and ground pepper.

Add water and bring to a quick boil or till upo is fully cooked.

Remove from heat and serve hot.

You can add shrimp or just bagoong. It still going to taste good. Enjoy!

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