Banana Turon with Langka Recipe

Banana Turon or Lumpiyang Saging is a favorite Filipino snack made with  ripe cooking banana and langka wrapped in lumpia wrapper and fried to a crisp. A popular street food usually sold along streets in the Philippines with banana cue, kamote cue and many more.

  • 30 pieces lumpia wrapper
  • 15 pieces rip cooking banana (saba), peeled and sliced lengthwise
  • 1 cup shredded ripe langka
  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 2 cups cooking oil
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch diluted in 1/2 cup water

  1. Dilute cornstarch in water and microwave for a minute. Set aside.
  2. Place a teaspoon of brown sugar on the wrapper. Add the banana and pieces of langka.
  3. Fold from the bottom up, fold the sides in and continue to roll up. Moisten the top inch with cornstarch diluted in water. Set aside.
  4. Heat oil in a large frying pan. Add banana turon 4 to 5 at a time in the hot oil. Fry for few minutes in medium heat. Drizzle with brown sugar, maybe around few tablespoon. Continue frying while stirring continuously to allow the sugar to melt and to  stick to the turon. Fry till golden brown and crispy.
  5. Remove and drain excess cooking oil. Allow to cool for few minutes before serving.

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